Friday, February 8, 2019

We All Need to Be Aware of Phishing Emails

Phishing is a disgusting scam that is discussed in Chapter 17. The FBI's 2017 internet crime report identified over $675 million in losses from this type of cybercrime.

I hope most institutions have beefed up their security against these emails since the days when I used to regularly report emails to IT that my colleagues apparently ignored. My sense also is that my students were not very careful. Perhaps they were even gullible, especially to the "something for nothing" offers.

Whether you approach this subject from a personal perspective or from a business one, it is important. I think the updated information in this new post will be helpful. You could even use the Google test in class as an engagement device.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cell Phones and Data Protection

We all use our cell phones at all times in all sorts of places. In my experience our students can be extremely careless of their data security in general and their cell phone security in particular.

I've just posted a link to the article with this excellent 2+ minute video on my privacy blog. It's perfect for use in class.

Just beneath it there's a good post (if I do say so myself :) on the major security threats in 2019 which would also provide content for a good class update.

Enjoy--and stay safe!